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Good For Both The Body & Mind

The following is a summary of an article on the many health benefits of square dancing. Click here to read the full article with references at the WebMD website.

Good for Body and Mind, Says WebMD.

When arriving at a square dance, you see the space filled with happy and energetic people in groups of 8 dancing in beautiful patterns and having a blast doing it. A regular evening of square dancing will last about 2 hours. During the dance there are about six or seven dance sets with plenty of time in between for some healthy snacking, making new friends, and keeping up with old ones.

Behind all this dancing fun and social mixing are the many health benefits—for young and old alike. With the many varied types of walking, twisting, and bending movements, square dancing is great exercise, can contribute to a more independent lifestyle as well as potentially holding off age-related memory loss while keeping the mind sharp.


Square dancing is an extreme social activity—and unlike solitary exercise—this type of social dancing can be a helpful remedy for depression and loneliness. The companionship that regular square dancing offers can also be the antidote to depression and loneliness.

Social interaction is missing in many activities in our world today. Square dancing brings people together in a beneficial way that can not only reduce stress but also help enhance the immune system.

With the physical health benefits that square dancing has to offer, it's no wonder there are new clubs starting up all over the world—if you haven't already, why not give square dancing a try?

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