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Square Dance Week - Austin, 1949

(March 20, 1949) The photo shows Marlys Swenson giving a square dance lesson to Austin's "Mayor Tom," who has proclaimed the week of March 20-26, 1949, as "Square-Dance Week."

The Additional File is the accompanying newspaper clipping announcing Square Dance Week in Austin, Texas, starting with a dinner honoring caller Herb Greggerson. Later in the week, the Mid-Texas Square Dance Festival will take place"

"Greggerson and Lloyd Collier of Dallas will serve as masters of ceremonies. Callers include Harry Hope, president of the Houston council composed of 10,000 square dancers; Rickey Holden, member of the San Antonio recreation department; Jack Fomby, Sweetwater square dance leader; Grady Wilson, president of the Amarillo Council, and Chuck Rogers, leader of the Sweetwater-Abilene area."

A special thank you to David Millstone for permission to re-publish this article.

The original article can be found at the Square Dance History website here:

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